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Use of sound current or mantra, usually with specified mudra (hand positions), body positions, and eye positions. Acts like a windshield wiper clearing the clutter from the subconscious mind and bringing calm. Reduces reactionary responses and improves ability to cope with stress. While you may do meditations on their own it is not advisable to do only meditations and exclude breath work or yoga for months. Breath work and yoga start the energy flowing and prepare you for the meditation as well as ground you providing a strong lower triangle foundation for the upper triangle awareness development.
Sit in easy pose (cross legged) with spine straight, neck and head aligned with spine. Eyes are closed. Hands are in gyan mudra (index fingers touch crease of 1st joint of thumb applying slight pressure, other 3 fingers straight and palms up) and rest on your knees. Inhale long and deeply filling lungs, abdomen, let chest expand and then shoulders rise slightly. Suspend that breath and only let the air leak out as you chant the following sequence without pausing 3 or 5 times on one breath.
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar |
Chant 3, 7, or 11 minutes
.To finish, inhale fully, suspend the breath as long as you can and sit silently while you are aware of the energy generated and flowing and hear and feel the sound current vibrating in your cells. Exhale fully pushing all the air out by pulling the navel in toward the spine and up. Continue exhaling fully pushing all the air out. Repeat this silent and complete inhale, suspended breath, and exhale twice more.
This Mantra means
There is one Creator, Truth is the path to Sweetness. The effect is a clearing of the subtle energy in the aura or magnetic field surrounding the body and clearing of the subconscious mind. It cuts away worries and obstacles to provide a clear path to things you are trying to manifest. It is also for protection in vulnerable situations. It can elevate the self beyond duality. It magnifies the power of the words used after it is chanted so choose your words wisely and project them positively. While it is not the most well known meditation, I have experienced incredible shifts and watched others make tremendous change with it. When the going is tough this mantra is tougher. It can be done anytime of day and for longer or shorter periods. I feel blessed to have it!